Lightning Surge Counter

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  • Product Name :

    TS-LSC3 & TS-LSC4 Lightning Arrester Counter

  • Instruction

    TSTLP Digital Lightning Flash Counter is designed for easy mounting on a down conductor to effectively count the number of lightning strikes captured by the TSTLP ESE Lightning arrester or surge protector. It measures lightning strikes by the induction of current and does NOT require the use of any external power source.

    ♦ Counter Size



    ♦ Sensor Size


    ♦  Technical Data

    TSTLP® Model Nr 



    Power Supply

    3V battery, Type CR123A, Exchangeable

    Min count current

    > 1KA, rise time 8~10μs

    Sequence of impulse

    > 1s

    LCD indicator



    Inductive line

    1m long Twisted-pair

    Service life of battery

    ≥ 2 years (Do NOT pull the Insulated part before use)

    Enclosure material

    Black thermoplastic, UL94-V0


    Mount on 35mm Din rail or inside waterproof box


    1.5 mods


    CE(EMC, LVD) 


    ♦  TS-LSC3 & TS-LSC4 Lightning Rod Counter Installation:

    TS-LSC3 / TS-LSC4 lightning arrester counter should be installed at a position along the down conductor(or PE Line) length where it can be accessed easily for inspection. Typically It should be installed approximately 2 m from ground level or alternatively within the earth pit at the lower termination point of the down conductor(copper cable).

      When installing the TSTLP Lightning Arrester Counters the following should be considered:

      • Lightning Flash Counter should be mounted away from areas where damage may occur due to theft,vandalism or nearby operations.

      • Lightning Flash Counter can be enclosed in a security enclosure but the display should be kept visible to allow for the checking of recorded strikes. 

    ♦ Installation Diagram

    Lightning Flash Counter installation